With that said, SARS recently highlighted some issues and technical hiccups on the new tax return relating to these updates. It will start out looking like this: Remember to ensure your employer sends you a copy of your latest IRP5 2. Below is a 'step-by-step' guide on how SARS would want you to handle these updates: Note the Tax Period matches the tax season you are filing for. itr12 form

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itr12 form

Under return type, click ITR Click Open on the right hand side. Didn't register yet to eFile?

How to use SARS eFiling to File Income Tax Returns | TaxTim SA

Source Code has been left off IRP5 certificates in error. Note the Tax Period matches the tax season you are filing for. However, there are cases where the pre-populated details e. This tells SARS you would like to complete a return for that year and they fform it for you.

itr12 form

After reading the information pop-up important info! TaxTim will help you: TaxTim can help you file your Tax return! It couldn't be simpler! The very first page of your return on eFiling asks you a couple of questions in order to build a return that is specific to you personally. Otherwise, select a tax year from the drop down selector box on the right hand side of the page and click Request Return.

If you have already created your income tax return for the relevant year it should be listedjump to STEP 3 below. We advise using a professional service like TaxTim for completing your tax return as it is essentially a legal document. Not using professional help may lead to an audit from SARS, harsh penalties, a reduced tax refund or worse.

SARS ITR12 Updates | TaxTim Blog SA

By using TaxTim to complete your tax return, the Wizard page will also be completed for you, along with your whole ITR12 income tax for. Then once you start filling it out - checking boxes and entering numbers - it will change, prompting you for more information.

Using the Wizard to setup the sections of your return You have finally gotten to your actual tax return! This entry was posted in TaxTim's Blog Bookmark the permalink. Medical data may be incorrectly pre-populated in your tax return. Remember to ensure your employer sends you a copy of your latest IRP5 2. It will start out looking like this: With that said, SARS recently highlighted some issues and technical hiccups on the new tax return relating to these updates.

Depending on your browser this will either open in a new window or tab and may take a while to load fully. Thereafter, it will add up the contributions for each fund and ensure your total retirement contributions, for all of your funds, is summed up accurately and populated in the correct field on your return.

How to use SARS eFiling to File Income Tax Returns

For example, it will ask how many IRP5 s you received from your employer, then the return that is generated will show that number of IRP5s on it for you to complete. Source Code has been left off IRP5 certificates in error This will affect taxpayers who receive a travel allowance on their IRP5 with source code or as well as irt12 who receive the use of an employer provided vehicle with source code or What you need to do: One such change is the requirement for taxpayers to enter more details relating to their policies in the Medical and Retirement section.

Remember to ensure your employer sends you a copy of your latest IRP5.

As you may be aware, SARS has implemented a few changes to the format of the tax return this year. Medical data may be incorrectly pre-populated in your tax return For the first time this year, SARS is using data from the Medical Aids to pre-populate some of the Medical Aid details in tax returns. What your employer needs to do: Our system is able to override any medical data that may be incorrectly populated itr122 eFiling.
